What takes place during your first appointment depends on the type of service you will receive. The length of your first appointment may also vary in length from 1-2 hours. Typically, during a first visit, a lot of general information is collected that will become part of your record. You should confirm what to bring when you make the appointment.
The following is usually requested:
- Your insurance or medical card and if applicable, established co-pay, as payment is due at the time services are rendered.
- Your primary care physician’s name, address, and telephone number.
- A complete list of all currently prescribed medications, prescriber’s name and phone, dosages, frequency, and the date you began taking the medication.
- A list of any prior mental health or substance abuse services you have received at Care Plus NJ or elsewhere.
- The name, address and phone number of someone to contact in case of emergency
- If this appointment is for a child, we will need proof of guardianship, copies of the most recent report card, IEP if there is one, most recent physical and blood work.
If you are under 18, you also will need:
- A parent or guardian with you for your first appointment.
- Parental or guardian consent for treatment.
- A parent or guardian with you for all psychiatric (doctor) appointments.
During your first appointment you may also be asked to complete several forms that include:
- Verification of billing information
- Consent to treatment form
- Information release form
No Shows, Cancellations & Late Arrivals
In the event, you do not attend your appointments, or you cancel with less than 24 hours notice, you will be charged $25. If you arrive late for your appointment, it may be necessary to cancel and reschedule at a later time.
Involvement in setting treatment goals
After an initial assessment, you and your therapist and/or doctor set your treatment goals. The treatment plan will be tailored to your specific needs. For patients that receive services from more than one program we offer; those services will be jointly planned and coordinated with you. The proposed treatment plan will be reviewed with you or your legal guardian, and then you or your legal guardian and a representative of Care Plus NJ sign it. Treatment plans are updated during the course of services to reflect your progress.
Family involvement
CarePlus NJ believes that the involvement of a patient’s family and/or supports often is an important part of providing effective treatment and recovery. It is the patient’s right to determine whether they want to include family and supports in their treatment (which may be revoked at any time). If desired, our staff will clearly review policy and processes for involvement with you. Input from family members will be sought and encouraged as permitted. Family members may be included in goal-setting and planning treatment if the treatment team believes that including the family would be a benefit. Our goal is for families/natural supports to be able to function in a supportive, healthy and stress-free manner.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you soon. If you have any questions prior to your first appointment, please contact us at (201) 265-8200 ext. 5301.