New Jersey Family (December 7, 2020) covering best practices on how to cope with Pregnancy during the Pandemic.
Although this new normal of having to wear a mask during labor, being isolated from family, and not having the normal support during pregnancy and labor as it was post pandemic, there are ways to cope and make yourself comfortable throughout. Daniel Finch, MD, Chief Medical Officer of CarePlus NJ says postpartum depression can be an even higher risk for new parents during COVID.
“Connect with other expectant mothers who might also be experiencing the same thoughts and emotions as you are,” he says. “You can find incredible value in sharing feelings, experiences and innovative solutions. There are several virtual support groups for this, including ones at the Maternal and Family Center at CarePlusNJ,” says Dr. Finch.
Dr. Finch also stresses the importance of knowing the difference between “normal” feelings of loss, sadness or anger that can occur at this momentous time versus warning signs of a more serious depression.
“These are signs that you should seek help from a therapist or psychiatrist,” he says, urging new mothers to reach out for postpartum support at places such as the Maternal and Family Center.
“Lastly, remember that the birth of a child is a momentous occasion despite what may be going on in the world,” he says. “Moms and their partners should be reminded that nothing can take away from the miraculous experience of bringing a new life into the world.”

CarePlus NJ, INC. is dedicated to excellence in mental healthcare and has a commitment to life-long support needed by individuals and their families to ensure that they achieve their full potential and improve the quality of their lives.